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Depicting the same beautiful blonde woman in a vivid, semi-realistic webtoon style, now portrayed working on a Mac in a contemporary Korean company environment, with added emphasis on the lighting. The light streams through large windows, casting a soft glow on her face and chest, skillfully highlighting the contours and shadows to reveal her form and the texture of her attire. This intricate play of light and shadow enhances her beauty and focus as she engages in her digital creation tasks. Her ‘SORA Diffusion Transformer’ t-shirt, chic glasses, and high-fidelity earphones are more pronounced under this lighting, combining fashion with her technical prowess. This scene, enriched with detailed lighting, captures her as a passionate and skilled digital creator, making it an ideal illustration for an Instagram showcase in a semi-realistic webtoon style.
- Tyri’s Instagram :
책 소개
- 하용호님, 카카오 데이터사이언티스트 - 뜬구름같은 딥러닝 이론을 블록이라는 손에 잡히는 실체로 만져가며 알 수 있게 하고, 구현의 어려움은 케라스라는 시를 읽듯이 읽어내려 갈 수 있는 라이브러리로 풀어준다.
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